The year 2023 will be remembered, among other milestones, for the launch of the GPT-4 model. The emergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has brought about a revolution in all sectors and in all areas of life.
And the Customer Experience sector is no exception. AI has become an indispensable tool for process optimization and why not apply it to a Customer Service strategy to improve the customer experience.
We have made a brief exercise to identify the main reasons why we believe that Customer Care can benefit significantly from its incorporation.

One of the reasons to incorporate AI into your customer service strategy is to generate efficiencies by automating repetitive processes.
AI in your customer service strategy
Here we share the top 7 reasons why you should incorporate AI into your Customer Service strategy:
1. Coverage of activity peaks
One of the biggest problems we face in the sector and which worries the companies we work with, is the coverage of activity peaks in time slots, specific days, specific months… Dimensioning, reinforcement plans with floating resources, many times these peaks are difficult to cover without creating other types of inefficiencies (economic, quality, etc.). In all businesses, the activity is not sized for peaks, but for a normal activity with a slight oversizing of resources.
The scalability of Conversational Assistants with AI guarantees the coverage of these peaks of contact that we can experience in our services. Regardless of the time or day, conversational assistants absorb these volumes (whether expected or not) without any additional effort.
2.Reducing waiting times
Closely related to the activity peaks we find waiting times, a headache for services that handle multiple channels and high volumes of contacts.
Regardless of the query they want to make, customers hang up and call back, generating callbacks and service saturation. Many times, in a given time interval, there are 4 or 5 calls from the same customer who is forced to wait, hang up and redial… The scalability and flexibility provided by Conversational Assistants allows us to reduce this situation to its minimum expression, or even eliminate customer waiting times completely.
But wait times are not the only thing we can reduce considerably. Response times can be drastically reduced thanks to the ability to provide instant answers to common queries.
3. Personalization of the attention
AI and automation are not aopposed to the personalization of customer service, quite the contrary. The possibility of being able to integrate conversational assistants with CRMs and other systems allows the personalization of messages, information and even opens the door to anticipate possible customer needs or requests.
We can analyze customer data to provide personalized responses and recommendations. This creates a more individualized experience for each user, improving customer satisfaction and loyalty.
4. Extended hours of operation
Fortunately, Artificial Intelligence has no time constraints and can provide 24/7 assistance. This improves accessibility for customers in different time zones and makes it possible to solve problems outside working hours.
Our customers’ service demands are not always generated within the operating hours that have been determined; if we give our customers the possibility to solve their queries or problems at the time they arise, we will certainly have more satisfied customers.
5. Process automation
AI can automate repetitive tasks and routine processes, allowing customer service agents to focus on more complex and strategic tasks. By automating tasks through AI, it is possible to reduce the workload of customer service personnel, thereby creating efficiencies and lowering the operational costs associated with processes that are not handled by agents.
6. Cost reduction
What is clear is that incorporating Artificial Intelligence into the Customer Service strategy can bring important benefits such as those listed above. However, it is also necessary to consider the possibility of reducing costs thanks to its implementation. In this particular case, reducing costs is not synonymous with reducing levels of attention or service, but quite the opposite. The use of AI will help us to enhance a more satisfactory experience at a lower cost.
7. Align yourself with industry trends and the future of customer services.
Customer satisfaction is and will continue to be the main objective in customer services, and Artificial Intelligence is undoubtedly being a determining element in creating efficiencies and improving customer satisfaction. It is time to incorporate innovative solutions and take advantage of AI capabilities in order to modernize a sector that is still very traditional. The goal is to become more efficient and competitive in creating customer services that provide customers with a “Best in Class” experience.

The ability to solve problems in an efficient and personalized approach contributes to customer satisfaction and strengthens brand perception.
These are just 7 reasons why you should incorporate AI in your customer service strategy, although we are convinced that there are many more…
Would you like to know how AI can help you to exponentially improve your customers’ experience?
Book your demo here and we will tell you how MAIA Cognitive can make a difference in your Customer Service strategy.